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Unitein Parent Company – Mitos Bio Co.,Ltd.


“Healthy food and thought make a healthy person, and healthy persons make a healthy world.” Mitos Bio, Inc. develops and sells healthful products using Unitein materials and other natural materials as raw materials. Unitein material is made from 9 times steamed and dried red-ginseng, soy beans, and tangerine peel through fermentation and is a patented “method of making a new kind of protein with excellent anti-cancer effects.”

Our products include Unitein Globules as a healthy food, Unitein Soap, Unitein Toothpaste, etc.. We care for the heath of humans and nature, and therefore in our products, we avoid using artificial chemicals polluting and destroying human health and the ecosystem. We make human and nature-centered products, to build a healthier world.

Mitos Bio, Inc. is also a distribution company of Lifetogether, co., ltd., which is a 20 years old cosmetic company, producing 300 kinds of products and exporting to 30 nations abroad.


MITOS BIO aims to protect and revitalize human health as naturally as possible.


MITOS BIO is committed to researching and developing bioactive natural substances and related products which are safe and beneficial to humans and nature.


  • Pursues harmony between humans and nature,
  • Pursues better ways for the fundamental revitalization of health.
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